Fundraiser #1 - Lemonade and Brownie Stand - successful!
Fundraiser #2 - Nathanael's Knock Out Cancer Challenge - ongoing!
Fundraiser # 3 - Kick Cancer In The Can and Seal Up The Can Bottle and Can Drive - started tonight and ongoing.
Mom here. So glad that my husband introduced the kids to the phrase "the can" as another way of describing one's behind. It came in handy for when the kids picked the name for their latest fundraiser. They dictated some information and I typed, adding a little addendum to the end of a flier that we copied and distributed together throughout our neighborhood.
Thanks to the suggestion of a neighbor, the kids kicked off their bottle and can drive this evening. We were originally going to invite people to donate their extra cans and bottles, dropping them off at our house this weekend, but we decided to extend the invitation through mid-July. We're all anxious to see how many cans and bottles are donated!
Nathanael: Please feel free to drop your bottles and cans off at our house! Wait, how are people going to know where to send their bottles and cans to?
Mom: Our address is on the flier, bud. It's just for our neighbors and local friends, remember?
Nathanael: Ohhhhhh yeah! I think "kick cancer in the can" is funny. "The can." Heeeeehehehehe!
Savannah: "The can" means coolie! *insert silly snicker* I don't want to touch the bottles if they're yucky.
Mom: Me either! I'll probably wear gloves when it comes time to return bottles. But we'll be pretty grateful for any that we get, won't we?
Nathanael: Yeah we are! I'll be so grateful that I'm going to throw a party and make a humongous sign telling the whole world how many bottles we got. So if we get 100, I'll make a huge "100" sign!
Savannah: Natty, will you touch the bottles if they're yucky?
Nathanael: Yes. But how would they be yucky?
Mom: Well, it would depend on where people keep them, but some of them could be old and have spiders in them.
Savannah: Or poop.
**If anyone else in New York State would like to participate, please feel free to send your bottle deposit slips to:
Nathanael and Savannah Haskell
P.O. Box 506
Buffalo, NY 14226
As always, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping to fight cancer!
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