Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Catcher

No, not ...In The Rye....

Not Jorge Posada....

Not the guy who snags the stray dogs.

Watch your step, cancer.  Fear your every move.  For behold....


Nathanael: I am dressed up as a cancer catcher.  Yep.  A cancer. Catcher.  The helmet I have on is to keep me safe on my motorcycle.

Mom, baffled as to where in the world he came up with this idea:  Okay.  Why does The Cancer Catcher drive a motorcycle?

Nathanael:  So I can go to places to catch cancer.  *If he knew enough to say "Duh, mama," I have a feeling that would've been tacked on to the end.

Mom:  So tell me about your cape.

Nathanael:  It's not a cape.  It's the thing that flies in the wind on the motorcycle.

Mom, unable to resist:  Oh. a cape?

Nathanael, annoyed:  No.  It just flaps on the motorcycle.

Mom, deciding against trying to push his buttons any further:  So what else can you tell me about your....uniform?

Nathanael:  Costume.  It's not a uniform.

Mom:  My apologies.

Nathanael:  Well, the mouth cover is to keep me safe if I fall off the motorcycle while I'm catching a cancer germ to destroy.

Mom:  Where do you put it?

Nathanael:  The motorcycle?

Mom, wondering where the sudden fascination with motorcycles has come from:  No.  Where do you put the nasty cancer germs once you catch them?

Nathanael:  Ahh, yes.  Of course.  Well, I put them in my special jar, and then I lock the jar.
He begins to run down the hallway.....

Mom:  Anything else?

Nathanael: That's it!

So.  A cancer catcher.  Be afraid, cancer.  Be very afraid.  And if not for the picture above, then for the picture below.

The Cancer Catcher earned his orange belt in karate this morning.  He's rough and tough.  You heard that "Kiai! he gave you in his Knock Out Cancer Challenge.  I think that challenge just got kicked up a notch!

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