Saturday, April 7, 2012

...the aftermath

Mom here.  The kids are still on Cloud 9 from their spot on television.  They're asking to see their video every five minutes.  My cell phone has been ringing and dinging and bleeping with calls, texts, and e-mails with people telling me how well they did, how they needed Kleenex after watching them, and so on and so forth.  They're asking about the next time they'll be on television, and have both picked out their outfits.  I don't yet have the heart to tell them that this was probably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  

My heart continues to swell with pride.  People are giving me props for teaching the kids a lesson in doing good things for others at such a young age, but the truth is, while my husband and I are certainly encouraging of their ideas, they really are coming up with everything on their own.  It's almost as if we weren't needed to teach them a lesson in "doing good."  We were fortunate enough to be blessed with two children with hearts the size of....well, here is what the kids have to say about it.

Mom:  I'm so proud of you both.  I still can't believe you were on television!  Natty, you did such a great job in the interview letting people know why you're doing what you're doing, and Savannah, when you said that you wanted to tell Gran you love her, I was so proud that I wanted to cry.  You both have huge hearts.**

Nathanael:  Is that normal?

Mom:  What, to have a huge heart?

Savannah:  I'm not going to the doctor.

Mom:  No no no.  "Having a huge heart" means that you have lots and lots of room in your heart for love and for caring and for doing kind things.

Nathanael: Ohhhh.

Mom:  I'd say you have hearts the size of....

Nathanael, before I could finish: Canada!

Savannah: No, Natty, not Canada.  As big as the statue of Prince Eric in Ariel's grotto!

Mom:  You got it, kiddos.

**While it's true that my husband and I were lucky to have naturally good and good-hearted kids, they are kids, and boy - do they come out with some whoppers.  I'm beginning to draft a post that will surely amuse you, dear readers.  Some days they're from Hogwarts, some days they're from Slytherin.*
* My husband came up with that one.  Forgive me.  

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